Online scheduling
Come in, kick back and get comfortable. This is relaxation massage at its finest with some hot towels and a little of your favorite tunes. Aromatherapy is always your choice. “Lattnad”is Swedish for relax.
60 minutes $75
90 minutes $105
This is an affordable and time respectful way to get bodywork for your hard working body. Are your aches and pains specific to your job? This massage is for you. Get in and get out feeling ready to grind out another day.
45 minutes $50
prenatal and postpartum massage. Mamas and Papas need massage. The stresses on your changing body and life can be eased with specific therapy tailored to your comfort and current trimester. This includes the less talked about 4th trimester for gentle work at the right time into the postpartum period. We use specific draping and bolstering to allow for safe positioning and comfort. This service can be out call or in house and can support women before and during labor.
60 minutes $75
*This service can be turned into a couples massage.
60 minutes $150
Family massage is so RAD. Spending time and allowing each family member their own space for bodywork is a great way to connect. This is usually in an outcall setting at home or can be in house as well. We do a little bodywork, a little education and a lot smiling. All family structures are respected here.
*Pricing available upon request due to requested time and number in your tribe.
This healing CBD treatment can help ease soreness and target specific aches and pains. CBD is a cannabis compound that has significant proven medical benefits and does not make you stoned. There is NO THC in this product. Treatments can include an infused salt scrub, massage oil or other topicals. Products from the thoughtful and respected local Kits Apothacary.
60 minutes $85
90 minutes $110
Get your dose of magnesium with these amazing himalayan salt stones. The stones are warmed and oil is used to move the stones across your body. Let this salt therapy relieve soreness, improve sleep and give you an overall sense of wellbeing. This is a great treatment for gentle or deep tissue work.
60 minutes $75
90 minutes $105
Your run, you bike you climb, do you even lift bro? You want that podium status and you train like a beast. Recovery is EVERYTHING when you are training for an event or just life. Get some specific massage for your sport. This can include facilitated stretching, deep tissue and the use of our in house Normatec Compression boots. We will get you feeling lighter and ready to hit that pavement. Pre and post event work also available. This is your DEEP TISSUE OPTION!
60 minute $75
Normatec Boot compression therapy can be used alone or complement the massage session.
25 minute Normatec boot therapy $25